Thursday, October 20, 2005

Homecoming Day

Speakers on for listening pleasure

It’s a long winding journey that we have to take,
It’s a life filled with sadness that we have to face;
Loved ones are taken and never replaced,
But praise God, we’re headed for Homecoming Day.

And so there I was, all decked out in my freshly dry-cleaned uniform, headed for an appointment ashore in Halifax. It's 10 AM and a begrizzled, slightly staggering specimen of the species stops me and asks,
"Excuse me Sir. Are you a Captain for the Lord?"
And I said, "No, I'm in the Navy!"

The Short Squeeze

Thanks to KeyStone Financial:
Looniversity - The Short Squeeze

Ah, the “short squeeze” – while the term may conger up images of your broker’s vertically challenged girlfriend, in the financial world, the term has quite a different meaning. All financial humour aside (thankfully), this week we take a look at the phenomenon known as the short squeeze.

Short Sale

An investor who sells stock short borrows shares from a brokerage house and sells them to another buyer. Proceeds from the sale go into the shorter’s account. He must buy those shares back (cover) at some point in time and return them to the lender.

Short Squeeze

While shorters sell short a stock on the hope that its price will plunge, there is always a chance that its price may begin to rise. If it does so, more and more of these “shorters” will “cover” their investments. That is, they’ll buy back the shares that they had shorted, and take a loss, since they’re now having to buy the shares at a higher price. As more and more shorters do this, the price rises (since more people are buying than selling). In investment parlance, this is a short squeeze.

Friday, October 07, 2005

A Better Place ...

I am the midnight watchman down at Miller's Tool and Die.
And I watch the metal rusting, I watch the time go by.
A week ago at the diner I stopped to get a bite.
And this here lovely lady she sat two seats from my right.
And Lord, Lord, Lord she was alright.
You see, she was so damned beautiful that she could warm a winter's frost.
But she was long past lonely, and well nigh unto lost.
Now I'm not much of a mover, or a pick-em-up easy guy,
But I decided to glide on over, and give her one good try.
And Lord, Lord, Lord she was worth a try.
Well, I was tongued-tied like a school boy, I stammered out some words.
It did not seem to matter much, 'cause I don't think she heard.
She just looked clear on through me to a space back in my head.
It shamed me into silence, as quietly she said,
"If you want me to come with you, then that's all right with me.
Cause I know I'm going nowhere, and anywhere's a better place to be."


Wednesday, October 05, 2005

Late Harvest

Bryan Raugust took a break from harvesting his field of canola last Wednesday long enough to talk to The Valley Times. His fields are located just off of Highway 9 East near the Michichi turnoff. Farmers in the area are trying desperately to wrap up the fall harvest which is about a month late due to all of the wet weather we have been having lately. The Valley Times is saluting the hard working farmers this week since it is Agriculture Week in Alberta.

Sunday, October 02, 2005

Trailer Park Brokers

My new adviser will be a commodity expert known as Bubbles (because of his thick glasses), who recommends a basket of commodity exposure such as an index or the direct holding of several commodities. He currently holds a nice mix of "hard" and "soft" commodities such as returnable bottles, used shopping carts and a hemp crop. ~BILL CARRIGAN

Saturday, October 01, 2005

The Way of the Cross

> #27 in the hymn book

I must needs go home by the way of the cross,
There's no other way but this;
I shall ne'er get sight of the Gates of Light,
If the way of the cross I miss.