Friday, July 27, 2007

Darling Starling;



It's all you can do, look at me and not start cryin
And I have no choice but to remain
But you don't have to like me, darling Starling
Hannibal is not a pretty name


Sunday, July 01, 2007

Tuesday, June 26, 2007


As told by David Jeremiah ~ Turning Point

A man on a cruise ship was strolling on the deck one afternoon when he walked past an attractive lady approximately his age. As they passed she smiled at him.

He asked the steward if it could be arranged that he could be seated at the same table as the lady at dinner.

It was so arranged, and as they dined and made small talk, he mentioned that he had noticed her because of her beautiful smile.

She looked down at her plate, blushed, and said, "The reason I smiled was because you have a very strong resemblance to my third husband".

His ears perked up and he said, "Third husband? How many times have you been married"?

"Twice", she replied.

The link >>>

Friday, June 22, 2007

Quoting Gary Thomas

What if God designed marriage to make us holy more than to make us happy? … it's important to remember that the very concept of "romantic love," which is so celebrated in movies, songs, and cheap paperbacks, was virtually unknown to the ancients. There were exceptions - one need merely read the Song of Songs, for instance - but taken as a whole, the concept that marriage should involve passion and fulfillment and excitement is a relatively recent development on the scale of human history, making its popular entry toward the end of the eleventh century.

C.S. Lewis - whose marriage to an ailing woman was seen as somewhat "odd" by many of his contemporaries - explained that such a monumental shift in cultural thought as the development of romantic love is "very rare" - there are perhaps three or four on record - but I believe that they occur, and that this [romantic love] is one of them."

~ Sacred Marriage ~ Gary Thomas

Wednesday, June 13, 2007

As heard on the "ELLEN" show

I love Jesus but I drink a little;
not a lot, just a little to thin the blood.
~Gladys Hardy, Austin, TX

Saturday, June 02, 2007


Was your wife someone different before you got married? Has she changed for the worse over time?

It’s much more likely that you saw her through rose-coloured glasses while you were dating, and now the glasses are off.

And guess what? You’re probably not the person she thought you were, either.

Did I make a mistake?

Before the wedding, differences tend to seem intriguing, interesting and attractive. A few months or years into the marriage, however, what seemed so inviting in the semi-fantasy world of dating now seems considerably less than idyllic.

That beautiful angel you married turns out to be a real woman. She has flaws that weren’t previously apparent. She may handle things in ways that you find inefficient, and isn’t interested in your suggestions about how to do them differently – even though, from your viewpoint, your ways are obviously superior.

You discover to your shock that she has the capacity to express a range of emotions not plumbed in your dating days. You hadn’t felt that hot edge of her temper nor the cold, steely glare she now feels free to display.

Perhaps your wife has expectations you never guessed were there. You assumed hers would match yours – and they don’t.

How do these “mistakes” occur?

The illusion of perfection

Barbie and Carl were so in love. They wanted to be with each other constantly. Unable to endure the thought of a long, drawn-out courtship, they married within three months of their first meeting.

Barbie was a life-of-the-party sort of girl – a social butterfly. A former high school cheerleader, she was bubbly and happy-go-lucky.

Carl was an A student in college. He had serious career plans in accounting and business. He liked books and challenging discussions about theology and politics. Not having dated many girls, he was in a daze when Barbie was willing to go out with him.

Barbie saw Carl as a responsible, mature man who’d provide stability and security in her life. Carl saw Barbie as the perfect complement to his otherwise rather pedestrian life.

They quickly decided they were perfect for each other. Surely they’d have no problems that couldn’t easily be resolved.

The reality of disappointment

Two years into their marriage, though, there was a deep rift in their relationship. Carl was coming home from the office just wanting to read a book or have some quiet space. He didn’t want to talk to Barbie about her day or her shopping plans for the next. At bedtime, he didn’t feel very amorous.

Barbie seemed frustrated and angry when Carl had no interest in dinner parties or going out dancing with her old friends. Going to church on Sunday mornings was more than enough social life for him.

Carl was angry and frustrated, too. Barbie was chronically late and seemed not to care how annoying this was to him. She was running up bills on the credit card and was irresponsible about paying them. She visited the hair salon frequently, apparently wanting to look very sexy when going out. In his view, she was a terrible housekeeper, leaving the place in a mess most of the time.

What had gone so terribly wrong with this relationship? Had Barbie really changed?

When opposites don’t attract

Carl and Barbie were opposites – and always had been. “Opposites attract” may be a common phenomenon, but it doesn’t necessarily lead to a strong marriage.

Far too often what seemed irresistible in the swirl of hormones and emotional highs during a fast courtship turns out to be irritating in the 24/7, “up close and personal” daily life of husband and wife.

The mature and responsible guy seems to become a stiff, nitpicking perfectionist, boring and sexually uninteresting. The girl who appeared to be such a wonderful, bouncy, free spirit now looks like an irresponsible, immature twit with no depth at all.

The tools to move forward

Is that what’s happened with your wife? The truth is that she’s the same woman you fell so much in love with. But you have changed – stripped of your illusions about her. You’re disappointed.

So what should you do?

You might find it helpful to sit down and list the reasons why you chose this particular woman to be your wife. Think of all her attributes that you enjoy and value. Think of yourself as the author of the Song of Solomon, writing about your bride. Shift your focus from the negative and critical to the positive and appreciative. Then make a date to share these thoughts with her.

If this seems impossible, consider the very real possibility that your marriage is at a crossroads. Disappointment may be making you vulnerable to the attentions of others, who you might imagine would better meet your needs and expectations.
Or, you may just be resigning yourself to years of regret about your choice of a spouse, bitter that you’re obligated to stay in a marriage without any hope of realizing your dreams. If this describes you, it’s past time for you and your wife to seek marriage counselling. Find a Christian professional who won’t reinforce the lie that happiness lies just around the corner if only you escape from this mistake and move on to something new.

Your situation is not at all hopeless. But it does require a fresh perspective and some tools to employ in developing a more mature relationship.


The above was found at Focus on the

Monday, February 19, 2007

That book about not dating

I kissed dating goodbye
Foreward by Rebecca St. James from the original edition of IKDG:
Okay, I know what you're thinking. I'll just skip these first few pages and get to the real stuff.

Well, hold on. Just wait.

This is preparation for what you are about to read.

Actually, that's exactly what this book is about waiting and preparation. The ideas in these pages are really quite revolutionary. I'm so glad this book is in your hand it could save you from a lot of needless agony. It has the potential to change the mindset of our generation. It has already affected my life. Let me explain.

You see, I for a long time, have held the same kind of opinions on dating as Josh (the writer of this book and a friend of mine). I mean as someone has said to recently, "Why shop if you're not gonna buy?" Exactly. Why date if you can't marry yet? I'm 19 and even though I've never dated I've had plenty of years to watch some of my friends at the game. And believe me it is a game. And it doesn't look fun. It looks agonizing and painful. That's part of the reason I haven't dated.

Secondly, I know it's not God's timing for me right now. I would just be distracted by having a boyfriend. Distracted from the work God wants me to do during these years.

I've also had the philosophy that groups and friendships are much more fun than one-on-one relationships at my age anyway.

But a little while ago I started to get a bit discouraged in the fact that I didn't have someone to get dressed up for and daydream about. That's when I read this book and really felt God encouraging me through Josh's words.

I don't think I've ever read a book in which the author is more honest and real than Josh is in this one. He tackles the hard issues, the tough questions on this confusing topic of "to date or not to date." And he gives practical answers. Joshua Harris has a powerful way of sharing from his experience. And since he's our age (just out of the teen years himself) he knows what he's talking about.

One of the things I like the most in regards to Josh's writing is that he brings it all back to the Bible and how we can really live what it says. And after knowing him for the last couple of years I can truly say that he "walks his talk."

So get ready to be challenged, encouraged and prepare for your point of view to be taken on a ride!

Thanks for sticking with me and enjoy.

Stay strong!

Saturday, February 10, 2007

Del Delker

Del Delker has been a soloist with the Voice of Prophecy radio broadcast since 1947. Through the years her voice has been recorded on more than 70 records and CDs. She has continued an active ministry in her retirement and is still much in demand at camp meetings and other gatherings."

For 55 years, Del Delker has been making music. Her voice is most widely known on the 7th-day Adventist radio program, Voice of Prophecy. Del's charm and warmth have sparkled over the years as her performances include singing in 15 languages around the world several times over.

Del Delker (YouTube)