Monday, February 19, 2007

That book about not dating

I kissed dating goodbye
Foreward by Rebecca St. James from the original edition of IKDG:
Okay, I know what you're thinking. I'll just skip these first few pages and get to the real stuff.

Well, hold on. Just wait.

This is preparation for what you are about to read.

Actually, that's exactly what this book is about waiting and preparation. The ideas in these pages are really quite revolutionary. I'm so glad this book is in your hand it could save you from a lot of needless agony. It has the potential to change the mindset of our generation. It has already affected my life. Let me explain.

You see, I for a long time, have held the same kind of opinions on dating as Josh (the writer of this book and a friend of mine). I mean as someone has said to recently, "Why shop if you're not gonna buy?" Exactly. Why date if you can't marry yet? I'm 19 and even though I've never dated I've had plenty of years to watch some of my friends at the game. And believe me it is a game. And it doesn't look fun. It looks agonizing and painful. That's part of the reason I haven't dated.

Secondly, I know it's not God's timing for me right now. I would just be distracted by having a boyfriend. Distracted from the work God wants me to do during these years.

I've also had the philosophy that groups and friendships are much more fun than one-on-one relationships at my age anyway.

But a little while ago I started to get a bit discouraged in the fact that I didn't have someone to get dressed up for and daydream about. That's when I read this book and really felt God encouraging me through Josh's words.

I don't think I've ever read a book in which the author is more honest and real than Josh is in this one. He tackles the hard issues, the tough questions on this confusing topic of "to date or not to date." And he gives practical answers. Joshua Harris has a powerful way of sharing from his experience. And since he's our age (just out of the teen years himself) he knows what he's talking about.

One of the things I like the most in regards to Josh's writing is that he brings it all back to the Bible and how we can really live what it says. And after knowing him for the last couple of years I can truly say that he "walks his talk."

So get ready to be challenged, encouraged and prepare for your point of view to be taken on a ride!

Thanks for sticking with me and enjoy.

Stay strong!

Saturday, February 10, 2007

Del Delker

Del Delker has been a soloist with the Voice of Prophecy radio broadcast since 1947. Through the years her voice has been recorded on more than 70 records and CDs. She has continued an active ministry in her retirement and is still much in demand at camp meetings and other gatherings."

For 55 years, Del Delker has been making music. Her voice is most widely known on the 7th-day Adventist radio program, Voice of Prophecy. Del's charm and warmth have sparkled over the years as her performances include singing in 15 languages around the world several times over.

Del Delker (YouTube)