Monday, October 02, 2006


-- On the character of God, “God only wants for us what we would want for ourselves if we were smart enough to want it.

-- On the lordship of Christ, “If I put things between me and Christ, it is idolatry. If I put Christ between me and things, it is victory!”

-- On the Word of God, “If you have a Bible that’s falling apart, you’ll have a life that’s not.”

-- On prayer, “Pray and doubt; you’ll do without. Pray and believe; you will receive.”

-- On attending a large church, “Just sit somewhere in the first 10 rows and don’t look back.”

-- On acting religious, “It’s like a pig. You can scrub him clean, brush his teeth, and dress him in a pink ribbon; but he will go right back into the mire. A scrubbing on the outside doesn’t change his inner nature.”

-- On grumpy folks, “Some people brighten up a room just by leaving it.”

-- On relationships, “If you marry a child of the devil, you’ll get the devil for a daddy-in-law.”

And one I heard yesterday -- On preachers whose sermons make no sense, "Just because the river is muddy, doesn't mean it's deep."


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