Sunday, June 26, 2011

Pity the poor boys of today

"No, there's nothing wrong with you, there is actually something wrong with society."

Now, the price young men and boys must pay to inevitably come to this epiphany is uncalculable. The financial costs of going to night clubs to meet girls, the opportunity costs of time wasted pursuing these 20 something entitlement princesses, not to mention the sheer mental costs boys and men suffer as their brains cannot reconcile this childish behavior with logic or just common decency cannot be tallied. Heck, some guys NEVER figure this out. Thankfully, the "manosphere" and various web sites are slowly coming around to the rescue to provide some kind of guidance or wisdom to young boys and men today so they do not have to suffer the inanity we did and can live better lives. But there is a problem.


Friday, June 24, 2011

Morris Hubbartt - June 24

quoting Morris:
I remain a long term bull with buy signals in play on the entire precious metals sector. I continue to call for a breakout in the sector in the late June to early July timeframe, with new highs projected at around $1650 for gold bullion. Timing is the trickiest part of analysis. My internal indicators are pointing to new highs in the August timeframe for gold. Use market volatility to lower the cost of your core positions.
Editorial at

Thursday, June 23, 2011

Running out of Silver ?

Because we believe this bull run is far from over, we advise investors to always maintain exposure to the precious metals markets. But the question every investor faces in a bull market is: Do I buy now, anticipating prices will continue higher – and chance getting clobbered if a correction arrives? Or do I wait for a pullback and possibly miss out on big gains?

There’s risk either way.

The Trading Report

Friday, June 17, 2011

Kelly Family

Kelly Family - Santa Maria video in English

Barbara Kelly died of breast cancer in 1982, shortly after the birth of the youngest child, Angelo. Her last words to her family were "Keep on singing!" The band continued to record, Daniel Kelly having formed his own recording company in 1980. As the older members of the family reached adulthood, Caroline and Paul left the band, Caroline to study nursing and Paul to marry. In 1990 Daniel Kelly suffered a stroke but remained a leading figure in the group until his death in 2002.


more from Morris

Washout negative sentiment and oversold conditions on gold stocks are working together to set up a move that will likely see this sector sprint over 50% in a few months, and probably do it by December 2011.

321gold editorial

Wednesday, June 15, 2011


Right Brain/ Left Brain Quiz
The higher of these two numbers below indicates which side of your brain has dominance in your life. Realising your right brain/left brain tendancy will help you interact with and to understand others.
Left Brain Dominance: 9(9)
Right Brain Dominance: 7(7)
Right Brain/ Left Brain Quiz

Sunday, June 12, 2011

Martin Armstrong

Regarding Armstrong's June 13 "turning point"; in his essay titled "Is the End Near" dated June 5, 2011 he writes:
With the turning point of June 13th/14th on the doorstep, this appears to be a subtle quiet change in trend that will not even be noticed except with hindsight as was the case in 1985.65, 1994.25, and 2002.85. The first produced the Plaza Accord and the birth of the G5 that unleashed government intervention that manifested 2.15 years later in the 1987 Crash and then 2.15 years after that the peak in Japan. The 1994.25 turning point was the shift in capital flows from Asia back to the US and Europe. That marked the precise day of the low in the S&P 500 just as the 1987.8 target produced the precise day of the low for the 1987 Crash. The 2002.85 target produced the low in the share markets after the DOT.COM Bubble in 2000. Each of these turning points represented with hindsight important shifts in long-term trend. - page 8

So, don't expect multitudes of angels singing on high, or men of virtue being pierced as they hang between heaven and earth with a thief on one side and a murderer on the other. The coming days will pass as quietly into the night as a satisfied lover slips into a restful slumber. Only with the passage of time, as a slight bulging of growth appears, will he say, "Now I see what happened on that otherwise forgettable day".

Friday, June 10, 2011

Morris Hubbartt

The typical reaction to a double bottoming process is disbelief. The sentiment that I am examining is as negative as it gets. The table is set; I see a 50% rally unfolding by the end year in this sector. The other thing I see helping gold stocks is the sentiment in the US Stock Market. Likewise, it too is indicating a bottom is at a hand.

321 Gold editorial

Thursday, June 02, 2011


The guy in this video found an injured baby humming bird and nursed it back to health – an amazing thing to see. With all the grim news out there, we figure smiles are worth passing along.
Source: Casey Research