Sunday, June 26, 2011

Pity the poor boys of today

"No, there's nothing wrong with you, there is actually something wrong with society."

Now, the price young men and boys must pay to inevitably come to this epiphany is uncalculable. The financial costs of going to night clubs to meet girls, the opportunity costs of time wasted pursuing these 20 something entitlement princesses, not to mention the sheer mental costs boys and men suffer as their brains cannot reconcile this childish behavior with logic or just common decency cannot be tallied. Heck, some guys NEVER figure this out. Thankfully, the "manosphere" and various web sites are slowly coming around to the rescue to provide some kind of guidance or wisdom to young boys and men today so they do not have to suffer the inanity we did and can live better lives. But there is a problem.


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