Sunday, September 04, 2005

Wilbur on the Phone

It was Saturday afternoon, branding had gone really well, two hundred and twenty-five calves branded, vaccinated, de-horned, castrated and ear-tagged without so much as a kick on the chin.

The crew were having a Bud and a little rest before saying bye y'all 'till Casey's branding on Wednesday.

The cell phone laying on the tail gate rang and Wilbur picked it up.

"Hi honey, how's it going? Are you almost done branding?"

Wil: "Yep. We're just wrapping up the loose ends."

"I'm in town and looking at this beautiful saddle. It's only thirty-five hundred dollars! Think it'd be okay if I picked it up?"

Wil: "Well sure. If it's what you really want, go ahead."

"Oh you're a doll! You know, across the street at the dealership there's a bright sort of mauve looking one ton dually that would handle the horse trailer with no problem and they only want fifty-five thousand ... "

Wil: "That's certainly not cheap, but if we're paying that much just make sure it has all the optional equipment."

"And honey, you remember that acreage in the foothills we looked at a while ago - the one with the long winding driveway, the riding arena and the Spanish style hacienda? The price has been reduced to only nine hundred and fifty thousand and I think we have enough in the account to make a down payment."

Wil: "That'll be fine. Just be sure to leave a few grand in the account so we can eat tomorrow."

"Ha Ha Ha, you have a great sense of humor! Bye bye hon - love ya."

Wil: "You too - bye."

Then Wilbur held the phone high in the air and asked, "Who does this phone belong to"?

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